Overshadowed by the tragic incident of a tsunami that hit the Japanese coast a few hours before, on March 11, 2011 a Nagauta concert was held in the Great Hall at the Berlin City Hall, the „Rote Rathaus“. The Nagauta ensemble Imafuji-kai led by Mrs Chojuro Imafuji performed three songs of this traditional Japanese vocal music, which is considered the „musical heart“ of the Kabuki theater.
The event was held in the context of the anniversary „150 Years of Germany-Japan 2011“ and the twinning of Berlin and Tokyo as part of the anniversary. The organizers were the German-Japanese Society of Berlin, the Berlin Senate Chancellery and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, with the support of Imafuji-kai, the Japan Arts Foundation, the Japanese Ministry of Culture, the Japanese Cultural Institute in Cologne, and (for a workshop) the Museum of Asian Art, State Museums of Berlin and the Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin.
mani design consulting signed responsible for coordinating the PR activities prior to the concert – organising media selection, preparing background information and a press kit for publishers and journalists, launching a city-wide media campaign with billboards and postcards, as well as designing and coordinating invitations and the exclusive programme brochure for the concert, and putting together a follow-up of written and audio press clippings.